1.Okay, well, in my opinion, our sales team is badly underperforming (clarify). I think we definitely need to introduce some kind of incentive scheme (encourage). We must also do something about poor performers (clarify). At the same time, we have to build team spirit (encourage). I'm concerned that there's currently too little communication and collaboration between team members (summarize and ask one or two further question).
2. Okay, this is just and idea, but why don't we do more to celebrate successes amongst our sales staff (clarify)? This would be a great way to reinforce the idea that we're a winning team (encourage). Perhaps we could also develop a mentoring system (clarify). If junior staff could turn to more experienced team members for advice, I think it would improve overall performance and bootst morale (encourage). In fact, maybe mentors could get a bonus based on the performance of the people they're mentoring (summarize and ask one or two further question).