English language is the language used to communicate with people in the world's languages. Learning English is very good. Must have clear goals in life, should know that the attitude of learning English is like, motivation what made want to study in English and experience to Learning English which in this experience part maybe is part as the extreme important in learning and working of English language. In each component can be attract people from around the world interested in learning English a lot. So that learning English assist in the development of communication and work almost all.
Goal with Learning English language. Everyone has their own reasons as to why the English language. But for me, I look to the future of the English language. And the important role of the English language that it involves working all departments. The goal of my work in the future. I want to be a singer internationally English language has been very active with my goals. So that Learning English language is very necessary for me.
Attitude with Learning English language. Everyone has an attitude about learning a different English language. But for me, Learning English language it’s very important because it is important to make me success with anticipated goals. And will have very role with my life in the future. So that attitude of me with Learning English language look is fun, excited and that is what popular appealing endlessly.
Motivation with Learning English language. Things that make me interested in learning English language are thing that make me love and thing that make me happy. Such as; I like to listen to music and international singing; I like to talk or chat with foreign friends and like to watch movies international or movie English dub. So that in each component of the above its motivation or impulsion as make like in Learning English language. And things as the important make me has clear goal with my future.
Experience with Learning English language. In this case I will tell about past experience with the English language. The past I give great importance to learning English language and English language has very role for my life. When I Education in secondary school years 4. I had the opportunity to attend camp about staging English name TYT (Thai youth theatre). I have co musicals “high school musical” which this musical show feedback has been great and impress with those who have joined entire people Thailand and foreigners. Then, in the next year I have attended the camp again. But this time I have the opportunity to directed and control the display of all characters. We performed the musical Mamma Mia! Which this Mamma Mia! Musical show feedback has been great and impress again. Then, in the next year which is me Education in secondary school years 6. This year we get idea to the legend the history of Thailand. Mae Nak Prakahnong come make is the musical in English version which I’m student alone have the opportunity to write musical and design the music used in the show. This Mae Nak Prakahnong the musical and in other parts I have served as a director and controlling the display of Total Characters as the original. And the musical theatre was ended amid surprised and impressed the audience very much. Someone the audience foreigner has asked a doubt. Why Mae Nak to be adhered to love that in spite that some women they do not care at all. It shows clearly that the culture in the love of Thailand with varies foreigners. This is my experience with activities learning English. And in experience participation of activities (TYT) Thai youth theatre camp in part of these the only part that impressed me very much. So that from my experience all of the foregoing; I get learn so much about activities using English. Such as talking to many foreigners and have built good relationships with new friends to have the opportunity to join together. And this experience will be a motivation me to develop the English language. Make me have a good attitude with English language and may help me to get the goals expected.
From the foregoing that Learning English language. Things the important are if you want to understand will Learn English language. Many people may think that Learning English language is very difficult. But If we have a clear goal have a good attitude and known motivational think about what we want to be. It will we make successfully.