My heart is still heavy from just finishing this book today. I have so many thoughts. One blogger friend of mine had said she just didn’t connect with Louisa, but I did. I found her to be real and vulnerable and appropriately pissed when she should be :)
I guess what sticks with me most about this book is Wills decision to die. I keep trying to put myself in his mothers shoes. What if that was my child – or for argument’s sake, yours? Honestly, as I thought through this and knowing that Will had completed the consultations and knew in his heart of hearts that this is what he wanted, I would let him do it. I see no sense in forcing someone to live a life they know will only become more and more unbearable. At that point, I would have to ask myself the hard questions, one being – am I doing this for them or for me?
Kudos to Will’s mom. I can totally relate to her as I imagine the humongous tole such a choice would put on you as a parent knowing the aftermath (as we see in the book) will fall on you as the mom. The “how could you’s?” would be exhausting, but the nay sayers had not lived with and loved Will as she did, or seen his suffering day after day.
So maybe I missed this in the end – (there was some crying going on so I may need to listen to that part again), did they say what Will’s dad decided? Did he leave his wife not feeling as though he was set free? Egads… I am not sure where I am at with that yet.
Readers, I am curious about where you landed on this one. Love it? Hate it? What would you have done if you were Will’s mom? If you were Louisa?
Lets talk! :)