Actually he has seen Da Qiao’s appearance. At that time, he was really startled by her beauty. Especially when two sisters stood together, it can make the moon blush when seeing both of them.
Therefore, once he has conquered Wancheng city, Sun Ce set an engagement with Lord Qiao. At that time, Zhou Yu was also with him. Why they became friends, even the best of friends, simply because their interests and hobbies are the same, and that goes value in a women’s beauty.
If, at that time Zhou Yu was not present, it is possible for Sun Ce to have both sisters’ hands.
Listening to the footsteps getting closer and closer, Liu Mang who was currently hiding behind closet, began to panic more and more.
“Oh, my wife, wait for me to lift your red scarf!” Sun Ce cannot wait to consummate his marriage, but his mouth is very parched, and his head is still very groggy. Seeing there is a jade jug on the table, he quickly drank it to quench his thirst.
“Milady, here I come!”
Listening to footsteps sound getting nearer and nearer, Qiao Yu had a very different reaction to Liu Mang, she did not panic at all, but instead a kind of calmness.
Her scarf was lifted, and it revealed a jade-like face, beautiful and alluring.
In front of Qiao Yu there is a very handsome man, taller than Liu Mang. Liu Mang’s appearance can be described as an average person, if he was lost in crowd, he would not be recognized at all. Sun Ce was different, with height of 190 cm, his placement would be a GaoFuShuai (tall, rich and handsome) kind of character. Even Dao Ming Si of F4 can be counted as an average person compared to him.
He is the boss of all Jiangdong, of course he is rich. His subordinate’s numbers in the thousands with numerous excellent people, and on the top of it there is Zhou Yu as the chief of those talented people. His height is 190 cm (enough to be a celebrity and basketball player), his strength is at super-class, his eyebrow is beautiful and his facial cast is very good looking (this is his handsomeness)
If Sun Ce did not grow up to be this handsome, how could Yuan Shu want him to marry his daughter? It is because Sun Ce is so handsome, even men are also attracted to him.
And if Liu Mang was compared with Sun Ce. Liu Mang’s would be a featherweight compared to Sun Ce’s who is a heavy-weight. His battle prowess is only 5 points, no no no, after training, Liu Mang’s battle prowess already risen to 50 points, but if he ran into Sun Ce, he’ll die by one move.
If you compare appearance, you can say, Liu Mang is a comedian like Stephen Chow and Sun Ce is an idol and actor like Andy Lau.
If you compare government positions, Liu Mang’s is higher than Sun Ce, because he is Prince of Shu, but in this chaotic time, Prince of Shu is not valuable at all because it cannot attract soldiers and retainers to serve for him
Liu Mang’s men is only Cheng Yu, a second-class general, but Sun Ce?! He had a lot of valiant general under him and numerous veterans.
Liu Mang’s division is only Urban Army with total of 3,000 people. Sun Ce, lead an army of hundreds of thousands and that is not including his naval units and cavalry units.
However even with this big gap, in Qiao Yu’s mind Sun Ce does not exist, only Liu Mang exist.