Installation of sheer screen and black-out screen at lower and
upper part of curtain wall units allows flexible use of drape in
different daylight conditions for occupants’ comfort. Installation
of sheer screen and black-out screen at lower and upper part of
curtain wall units allows flexible use of drape in different daylight
conditions for occupants’ comfort.
Angled Vertical fins were added at the west façade to block the
late day summer sun, angled, slightly pointing northwest to better
block direct sun light and avoid blocking views to the harbor. The
horizontal fins in addition to the verticals, improve the overall
shading especially in summer days. The horizontal fins also added
to the internal illumination of the west side functioning as
external light shelves.
During right external conditions, occupants can open top and low
operable vents along perimeter zones of the office floors, then the
combined wind and stack effect will enable occupants to enjoy
natural ventilation. The vents provide a healthier and more
comfortable environment for staff working off-hours or
contractors doing fitting out as well. Occupants may enjoy the
natural ventilation in transition season or non office hours
according to their own comfort and ventilation requirements.
Mixed Mode Ventilation combines natural ventilation (via
operable vents) and mechanical ventilation/ air-conditioning to
provide and enhance occupants’ comfort at office floors. Once the
vents are opened, unnecessary air-conditioning to individual
perimeter zone will be automatically switched off without wasting
energy. The effective area benefited from natural ventilation
would be a 5m deep space behind the façade Free Cooling System
or Economize Cycle uses oversized air handling units and air ducts.
Outside fresh air will be used for direct space cooling without
using cooling towers during right outdoor conditions, distributing
a higher air volume at faster speed to enhance the thermal
comfort level for occupants.
The hybrid A/C system utilized the prevailing wind effect and stack
effect to partially offset the cooling load in mild season to achieve
energy saving. Due to dynamic nature of outdoor climate, the
existing mechanical system will also employed to work with the
natural system to maintain the human comfort at mild season and
achieve energy saving. The hybrid A/C system can achieve
significant saving in annual HVAC operating cost while
approximately 5-7 years payback period can be achieved.
Courtyard at 37, 38/ F allows sunlight to flood into the interior
office space, reducing lighting energy consumption. The wall of
the courtyard is a green wall which provides comfort for office
Interior Planning, Views and Solar Heat Gain Various tower
massing schemes & core configurations were evaluated to
determine the ideal layout for both office and retail. Views to the
harbor to the north and Central to the west were emphasized for
the office floors, with a general orientation that minimizes sun
exposure on the east and west facades. The placement of the
tower to the north of the site leaves larger south facing floor
plates for the retail below, ensuring flexibility for long term use
and reuse. Sun light simulations comparing the central core and
southern core indicate little change in overall daylight available in
the interior. Shifting the core to the southern wall however
improves the performance of overall envelope by offering a solid
highly insulated wall to block harsher southern sun and provide
maximum leasing depth to the north.