Questions now arise as to the age of the settlement and which tribal groups were the likely builders. To try to answer these, the original map was sent to two archaeologists in different universities for an independent opinion. Maps (b) and (c) show the two interpretation. The data have been linked to show a hut with a rectangular structure type of one period of settlement; the other a circular hut from a more primitive period. Exactly the same data have led to different models; the difference lies not in the evidence but what is seen in the data.
For geography the danger of model imposition is acute. For of all sciences it has traditionally placed greatest emphasis on 'seeing'. In how many field classes have we asked geography students to 'see' the clues of glaciation in the landscape? The 'seeing eye' beloved of physical geographers such as the late S.W. Wooldridge is a necessary part of our scientific equipment. But pattern and order exist in knowing what to look for, as well as how to look. And the order of one generation may be the chaos of the next.