The selection of construction contractors are very often conducted during tendering. Tendering definitely gives a client a choice in awarding contract a company which proposes the lowest price and short construction cycles, but usually they do not allow to precisely evaluate a tender. At the same time there are more and more procedures in which the decision criterion of choosing a tender is the price. In recent years, most clients made use of such a method. On the other hand, the research results show that the cheapest tenderers often have problems with completing the project. Accepting the lowest price is the basic cause of the project completion problems because very often lowering the price means lowering the quality. It is true in some cases. The above conditions make that it is especially important to properly evaluate the contactor’s capabilities. We analyzed in Selecting the most suitable contractor for a construction project is a crucial decision for owners and project managers. Therefore, this paper aims at selection of construction project contractors with recommendations about the suitable criteria for better evaluation of construction bids both technically and financially. Furthermore, it provides practitioners working or intending to work in the North East with better insight due to the common trends.