The function of the eyes.
The eye acts to which the performance is to look at the work of the organs of several components. When we look at an object, the object will affect the light falling through the eye to the lens passes into the space inside the eyeball to the retinal.
The function of the lens is fine, the light from an object falling at the most obvious, retinal. The retinal images that will be heading back that brain function to convert the image to see the real picture, not like back head. The retinal cells for counting millions of light Cells that have a funnel shape, and bars. Called the Light receptors cells, format bar light in darkness or low light. Cone cells will pick the color and light over. Retinal changes the energy from the light, as electricity. Passed to the eye (Optic nerve) nerve which is behind the brain the brain interprets the signals directly into electricity that gets a head set.