Abstract. The relationships among selected sensory textural attributes and data from modified Instron texture profile
analysis (force/deformation curves obtained in compression of tissue cylinders) were examined for 'Golden Delicious',
'Rome Beauty', 'York Imperial', 'Redspur Delicious', and 'Miller Sturdy Spur Delicious' apples (Malus domestica
Borkh.). Sensory crispness, hardness, and toughness were closely related to each other and to Instron texture profile
forces at breakpoint (yield), failure, and 75% compression and to work energy in compression and rebound. Correlations
of sensory attributes with the best single Instron texture profile variables were similar to those with MagnessTaylor
penetration force (measured on an Instron); however, combinations of several texture profile variables in
regression equations generally improved prediction of sensory attributes. Experimental Instron texture profile variables,
especially force near midcompression, or the experimental variations on the customary variables, such as mean
forces around failure and around full compression, were selected for prediction equations more frequently than the
customary variables