Red looked at me, “I’m sure Herobrine as told you about Slender man right?” I nodded. Oh yea of course, the whole, ‘Slender-can-tell-if-a-human-has-been-in-the-house’ talk. “Well, allot of Pasta’s have been bringing humans home, which they end up as, what Jeff describes them as, ‘fan-girls’ which I’m sure you’ve heard of as well. Basically when they find a human and bring them home, they freak out too much of us and that makes Slender mad and kill them... So...just try and stay calm when Slender questions you.
All of the sudden, the both of us heard something break and when we peaked outside, widening my eyes, I saw Sonic.EXE about to fight Rake for who knows what...Rake...that guy scares me so much. Silver told me how not many of the Pasta’s get along with him. When we see the Slender man teleport in between them, and with those tedrils of his, he pulled them both in the air to keep them for ever laying a single punch. When he talked, his echo’s were deeper and more frightening. “I don’t care who started it, or what happened! Both of you cut it out now!!” And with that he dropped them onto the ground.
“Besides.....I sense something here...” ‘Slender-walking’ to the large couch where Jack and Herobrine sat, he only stared at it before looking up the stairs..and directly at me. I became frightened, more than ever. I didn’t even get a chance to react when Slender teleported in front of the door. I looked up at Red who slowly opened the door but never looked at Slender. I looked up at him, that faceless...face staring right at me, like he was looking through me. And that’s when he spoke those words, “Who are you..?”