in nutritive value with low level of protein (2–5%DM), high
fiber and lignin content (NDFN50%), low DM digestibility
(b65%) thus resulting in low voluntary feed intake (1.5–2.0%)
(Wanapat et al., 1985). Of the chemical treatment procedures
available generally for improving cereal straws, Fadel Elseed
et al. (2003) show that when using urea combined with
calcium hydroxide, it could improve rumen degradability.
Furthermore, Wanapat et al. (2009) suggested that using 2%
urea and 2% calcium hydroxide treated rice straw could
improve rumen fermentation and milk production. The
concentrated alkaline agents can chemically break the ester
bonds between lignin and hemicellulose and cellulose, and physically make structural fibers swollen. These effects
enable rumen microbes to attack the structural carbohydrates
more easily, increasing digestibility, and at the same time
increasing palatability of the treated straw. Moreover,
Soybean meal has long been used as a prominent source of
protein for ruminants especially for dairy cows but the price
has been dramatically increased thus, impacting on higher
cost of production
in nutritive value with low level of protein (2–5%DM), highfiber and lignin content (NDFN50%), low DM digestibility(b65%) thus resulting in low voluntary feed intake (1.5–2.0%)(Wanapat et al., 1985). Of the chemical treatment proceduresavailable generally for improving cereal straws, Fadel Elseedet al. (2003) show that when using urea combined withcalcium hydroxide, it could improve rumen degradability.Furthermore, Wanapat et al. (2009) suggested that using 2%urea and 2% calcium hydroxide treated rice straw couldimprove rumen fermentation and milk production. Theconcentrated alkaline agents can chemically break the esterbonds between lignin and hemicellulose and cellulose, and physically make structural fibers swollen. These effectsenable rumen microbes to attack the structural carbohydratesmore easily, increasing digestibility, and at the same timeincreasing palatability of the treated straw. Moreover,Soybean meal has long been used as a prominent source ofprotein for ruminants especially for dairy cows but the pricehas been dramatically increased thus, impacting on highercost of production
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