From Table 4, uncomfortably feelings of operating
the PC explains the WBT teaching materials use
frequency by the coefficient of determination by
10.6% for the class of HTML. In addition, when an
individual characteristic of Action/State orientation
(Action orientation subsequent failure vs.
preoccupation) is added, coefficients of
determination explain the use frequency of the WBT
teaching materials by 16.5%. People who are not
uncomfortable with PC operation and pays attention
to the cause of the failure because of the partial
regression coefficient has understood a lot of WBT
teaching materials are used. Oppositely, people who
are uncomfortable with PC operation and doesn't
pay attention to the cause of the failure has
understood the thing that the WBT teaching
materials is not so used. When we apply the WBT
teaching materials to the person who has this
tendency, we are predictable when the education
effect is small.
From Table 5, uncomfortably feelings of operating
the PC explains the WBT teaching materials use
frequency by the coefficient of determination by
15.5% for the class of C language. From the partial
regression coefficient, people who are not
uncomfortable with PC operation have understood a
lot of WBT teaching materials are used. This
tendency was similar to the HTML class.