Nowadays, US treatment is considered as a decontamination technique
of high potential and its main advantages in liquid food processing
include the reduced water and energy consumption, the minimal
flavor and nutrient losses and the increased homogeneity of the product
(Soria & Villamiel, 2010). The main mechanism responsible for the microbial
inactivation effect is the physical forces that are generated by
the acoustic cavitation phenomena. The hydrophobic surfaces that can
be found onmicroorganisms assist the collapse of the cavitation bubbles
formed during US application and lead to severe damage of the cellwall.
Moreover, erosion of cell walls and consequently microbial inactivation
may be caused bymicro-streaming effects aswell as intracellular cavitation
(Chandrapala & Leong, in press; Chandrapala, Oliver, Kentish, &
Ashokkumar, 2012).