Taking this chance to wish everyone a very merry Christmas (for those that are Christian) and a very happy festive season to those that practise other religions.
We have finished invoicing for the year at OAP, and Thailand still has a few days left. Stock taking has commenced at OAP today, and we will commence stock take at OTHA next week.
We didn’t make our overall budgets, but it does appear that we made our forecast targets. Final results released soon.
This time of year is a good opportunity to reflect on what worked and what didn’t in your markets. Its been very challenging for all this year. It’s a good time for you to think about what you can do better in order to achieve your result next year.
Putting work aside for a moment, it’s a good time to also look around you and value what’s important: family.
That’s why we all work hard and that’s what motivates us to get up every day and do the best possible to provide for them.
Its also an opportune moment to think about those less fortunate than us, and to remember that a little kindness doesn’t cost the earth .
(Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. – 14th Dalai Lama)
I personally thank every single member of our teams for your efforts this year, and we hope for a better 2016. Have a happy (and above all safe) festive season and I will see you all on the other side – 2016.
Please pass this email to your teams if I haven’t included their address above