It is true that those traditions are so diverse, that it is not an easy task to find a single answer to the environmental problems.
It is, however, not a task of law to attempt to reconcile those traditions. What the law should attempt is to uncover the universal values which unite all the humankind, the values which must be reflected in, and protected by the international law.
In the words of the judge: “it would not be wrong to state the love of nature, the desire for its preservation, and the need for human activity to respect the requisites for its maintenance and continuance are among those pristine and universal values which command international recognition.”
Thus, love for nature finds its fullest expression in the ideal international environmental law, the ideal which is worthy to strive for. Love for nature is not an abstraction.
It is the power to transform the whole area of environmental law. This love must determine the content and scope of sustainable development.
The important conclusions which one can draw from the concept of sustainable development are following. First, “there is a duty