The experimental setup is shown in Table 2. The effect of potato
variety, oil temperature, and frying methods on the acrylamide
content, color, and texture of the chips was evaluated using a factorial
design with 7 levels for potato variety, 3 levels for temperature,
and 2 levels for frying methods. The Atlantic variety was selected
to evaluate the effect of oil temperature and frying methods
on the acrylamide content. This variety was selected because it is
very good for chipping and was the most abundant at our lab. The
frying temperature-time conditions (240 s at 165 °C and 480 s at
118 °C) allowed the Atlantic chips to reach final moisture contents
of about 1.3% (wb). The traditional frying conditions produced
chips with good quality attributes in terms of oil content, texture,
and color (Garayo and Moreira 2002).