The paper presents an analysis of the different functions of BS and reviews the more important data
from research programmes conducted over the last decade in Veneto Region (North-East Italy). Over a
period of 3–5 years, in two experimental sites, young BS reduced total runoff by 33%, losses of N by 44%
and P by 50% compared to no-BS. A mature BS was able to abate both NO3–N and dissolved phosphorus
concentrations by almost 100%, in most cases having exiting water that satisfied the limit for avoiding
eutrophication. The BS also proved to be a useful barrier for herbicides, with concentrations abated by
60% and 90%, depending on the chemical and the time elapsed since application. Considering the CO2
immobilized in the wood and soil together, the different BS monitored stored up to 80 t ha−1 year−1.