The MoU on Innovative Mapping on ASEAN Economic Corridors was signed yesterday between the Ministry of Science and Technology and five partner agencies – the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand, the Designated Areas for Sustainable Tourism Administration (Public Organization), the Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (Public Organization), the National Innovation Agency and the Provincial Administration of Rayaong, to create Digital Platform for Innovative Mapping using integrated 5S Digital Technology-based innovation.
The 5S Technology consists of GIS (Geospatial Information System), GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) RS (Remote Sensing) SIS (Strategic Information System) and DS (Decision System) which will be implemented to search, manage and develop the mapping of the infrastucture built within a geographical area to stimulate the country's economic development, or so-called Economics Corridors.
According to Science and Technology Minister, Dr. Pichet Durongkaveroj, this 5S project will also implement the 5C strategy which are Cluster, Connectivity, Capability, Co-creator and Community to create value for manufacturing, trade and service sectors.
The examples of projects to be created by the Platform are Eco-tourism City, Industry city and Smart city. - See more at: