“Deadpool” is the story of a guy everybody wrote off for dead who returns looking much worse than the last time anyone saw him. Welcome back, Ryan Reynolds. When did you turn 60?
This one is a “different kind of superhero movie,” meaning even more fiercely attached to the mode of artistic expression known as “puberty.” Ex-soldier Wade Wilson (Reynolds) is facing terminal cancer when a mysterious stranger invites him to try a bold new therapy that will give him superpowers. Tricked, Wade emerges from a chamber of horrors as a mutant who is as unkillable as “Grey’s Anatomy.” He chooses a red suit, because that hides the blood, becomes roomies with an old blind woman (Leslie Uggams) with a cocaine fixation and sets out on a mission of unholy vengeance against his tormentor, Ajax, a k a Francis (Ed Skrein), who captures his girlfriend (Morena Baccarin).