Observe that an SR-matrix A is irreducible and μ(A) ≥ 1 [10]. Although our primary interest is in
SR-matrices, it is noteworthy that many of our results also hold true for non-zero reducible matrices.
For A ∈ Rn×n
+ withμ(A) ≤ 1, I⊕A⊕A2
⊗ ⊕··· converges to a finite matrix called the Kleene star of
A given by A∗ = I ⊕A⊕A2
⊗ ⊕···⊕An−1
⊗ where μ(A∗) = 1 [1,7,28]. Here, a∗
ij is the maximum weight
of a path from i to j of any length [16] (if i = j), and Ak
⊗ denotes the kth max-algebraic power of A. Note
that for each A ∈ Rn×n
+ , if A∗ is finite then the max-algebraic sum of all of the columns of A∗ is positive.