This study builds on Warner's [96] seminal study of enjoyment, where psychological and philosophical arguments are synthesized, to present enjoyment in terms of three sub-constructs: Engagement, Positive Affect, and Fulfillment. For people to enjoy an activity, they have to (i) engage in the activity; (ii) be positively affected in terms of satisfaction, excitement, contentment, or similar feelings; and (iii) achieve fulfillment of needs or desires through the activity (although these needs may not be consciously realized a priori). This definition has been used as the base for an instrument to measure online enjoyment. Lin et al. [53] present twelve characteristics of the web enjoyment experience, against the three dimensions of engagement, positive affect, and fulfillment. The key characteristics are “engrossed, absorbed, attention focused, and concentrated” for the Engagement dimension; “happy, pleased, satisfied, and contented” for the Positive Affect dimension; and “meaning a lot, rewarding, useful, and worthwhile” for the Fulfillment dimension [53].