Consistent with evidence that supports interventions to
improve self-efficacy, the qualitative data fromNCMfield notes
and interview responses, as well as the increased self-efficacy
scores of participants at six months, supports the expanded
NCMapproach taken. The inclusion of verbal persuasion using
motivational interviewing to assist participants and their caregivers
in coming to an understanding of medication regimens
and the need for adherence appears to have been effective.
Memory cues provided participants with mastery experiences
in medication taking. Group classes provided opportunities for
participants and their caregivers to identify with others who,
like themselves, had experienced a stroke event and were recovering
successfully (Bandura, 1998; McGowan, 2005).
Consistent with evidence that supports interventions to
improve self-efficacy, the qualitative data fromNCMfield notes
and interview responses, as well as the increased self-efficacy
scores of participants at six months, supports the expanded
NCMapproach taken. The inclusion of verbal persuasion using
motivational interviewing to assist participants and their caregivers
in coming to an understanding of medication regimens
and the need for adherence appears to have been effective.
Memory cues provided participants with mastery experiences
in medication taking. Group classes provided opportunities for
participants and their caregivers to identify with others who,
like themselves, had experienced a stroke event and were recovering
successfully (Bandura, 1998; McGowan, 2005).
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