a.some x-rays of his teeth and found
b.of the cavities, but he will have to pull
c.has been suffering with bad toothache on the right
d.relax, but he cannot. Adam decided to take better
e.dental check-up was eight years ago. the dentist took
f.side of his mouth for over a week. he bought
g.he has tree acvities that need to be
h.out the third tooth because there is nothing
i.large that it cannot be filled. every time the dentist
j.of dentist and because of that; his last
k.start the drill, Adam holds the arms
l.some pain killers from the chemist, but they
m.of the chair with fear. the dentist told him to
n.did not help to ease the pain. the dentist is drilling two
p.he can do to save it. the cavity is so