Luco: I'll get rid of your nasty blood. You have seen with your own eyes how my herbs had been able to cure a disease in an instant, is not it? A true miracle. This garden of white lilies is the source of the miracle that I created.
Albafica: A pit ... White ... ? What ... I feel numb and my vision is tinged with white ... that ... this is because of thrush ... ?
Luco: Yes, it is the exact opposite of pink demon that you use. Go, tell him then: "I want to be saved"
Albafica: It is useless to talk about ... I have chosen my path ... salvation is behind me!
Luco: Behind? No, it is before you. So weave white links.
Albafica: links ... White ... ? Master ...
Albafica Pefko vanishes and comes running.
Luco: Your past and your body will now be tinged with white, dear Albafica.
Albafica: What ... my vision becomes scarlet ... is ... my child ... yes, the time when I trained with my master Lugonis.
A young Albafica trains to throw roses on demonic targets.
Albafica: I passed! Master, I did! My roses have reached every target!
Lugonis: No, once again, only better ...
Albafica: Why?
Lugonis: Idiot! One of your flowers is lost! Do not you understand what that means? It may be sufficient to cause the death of an innocent person! The roses that we use are demonic sips of a deadly poison. We must have complete control over not to kill innocent people in addition to our enemies! If you do not pay attention to AC, expect a tragedy! Come on, what are you doing! Again!
Albafica "a tragedy". That is what my master fears most. Lugonis my master has in his body a blood tinged with the same poison that roses demonic. He lived alone in the middle of this field of scarlet roses ... I wonder what accounts for such a long loneliness.
Lugonis Albafica smiled, reaching every target in its center.
The same evening
Lugonis: Albafica, your body has a natural resistance to poison, and I have previously raised as a warrior ... it is time to take the next step in your training ... But I wish first of all that you made a decision. Wish you could leave the garden and you can mingle with other people? Or do you want to follow the path of Saints fish weaving in scarlet me a link?
Albafica: What are you talking about ... ? Link scarlet?
Lugonis: A bloody ceremony. This is the index we pierce each with a thorn to exchange one by one the drops of blood escaping from these injuries. This type of ceremony will be held for several years. Until we have exchanged our blood. It is a risky method, which can cause your death if you can not resist the poisonous blood of Pisces! If you manage to endure my poisoned blood, know that it will be a lonely life like mine waiting for you.
Lugonis piercing sound is a rose thorn.
Albafica: A toxic blood ... in my body ...
Lugonis: The existence of poison stained red. Now make a choice: the way of men, or the way of poison?
Albafica: My life ...
Lugonis: It is natural for you to fear ... you are free to leave this garden you know ...
Albafica: ... no, I'm not afraid. For the abandoned child that I am, this garden and you represent my world. I'll stay here. If I left you and I'd be alone again ...
Albafica cut his finger as did his master: I am happy to link to you! Here is the link scarlet Fish! I become like you, live and stay with you in this garden Scarlet ...
End of flashback
Albafica: But stop it ... would be like saying goodbye to my master ...
* Albafica lying on the ground! The links scarlet fish is currently being absorbed by the whiteness of Luco?