Any factor that favors the stagnation of breastmilk
predisposes to the development of mastitis, including
scheduled feedings, sudden change in the number of feedings,
infants long sleep period at night, use of pacifiers or bottles,
failure to completely empty the breast, short frenulum,
infant with a poor suck, excessive milk production, separation
of mother and infant, and abrupt weaning.4 Maternal
fatigue facilitates the development of mastitis.23 Women
who have already had mastitis in the current lactation or
in previous lactations are more susceptible to developing
other mastites, due to the broken integrity of the junction
between alveolar cells.23
Any factor that favors the stagnation of breastmilkpredisposes to the development of mastitis, includingscheduled feedings, sudden change in the number of feedings,infants long sleep period at night, use of pacifiers or bottles,failure to completely empty the breast, short frenulum,infant with a poor suck, excessive milk production, separationof mother and infant, and abrupt weaning.4 Maternalfatigue facilitates the development of mastitis.23 Womenwho have already had mastitis in the current lactation orin previous lactations are more susceptible to developingother mastites, due to the broken integrity of the junctionbetween alveolar cells.23
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