1. Open a new blank template in your word processing program.
2. Choose a very clear font. Sometimes the fax transmission can be blurry or the ink on the receiving fax machine may be low, so it is important to make the fax cover sheet as clear as possible. "Arial" is a simple and clear font.
3 Title the header as "FAX" or "FAX COVER SHEET" in capital letters; use a large-size font.
4 Include your company name and address in a smaller-size font under the header.
5 Use separate lines for the following:
Number of Pages Including Cover:____________
Fax Number:___________
You can also underline, as shown above, to indicate to the user where he should fill out information.
6 Title the main body "Memo" or "Message." Be sure to save your template.
7 Print out as many as needed. You have completed your fax cover sheet.