Uncertainty is a constant occurrence from the diagnosis to living with a chronic illness. Uncertainty decreases over time and returns on illness recurrence or exacerbation. Uncertainty is the most distressing to a person during the diagnosis phase. This is the place where health care providers could lessen the uncertainty on a patient by educating the patient about the illness, showing confidence in treated their illness, and giving the patient clear and concise information.
Studies regarding uncertainty date back to as early as 1960 by F. Davis. The beginning work gave some ideas about the relationship between ambiguity and a patient's psychological state. Mishel's work was the first to focus on uncertainty in illness. Mishel supported her models with research from not just the field of nursing but other related fields such as psychology. Health care providers can reduce uncertainty by providing information and being confident in their knowledge of the illness. Support from the patient's home or other patients helped to reduce a patient's anxiety level. A person's personality can also impact how they deal with being diagnosed with an illness. A more positive person may choose to look at their illness as an opportunity to reevaluate their life. A person whose view of life is more negative may experience a lower quality of life after their diagnosis. A more negative person may experience depression, anxiety, or a form of PTSD.
The theory of uncertainty of illness is composed of three major themes:
Antecedents of uncertainty- anything that occurs prior to the illness experience that affects the patient's thinking such as pain, prior experiences, and perception
Appraisal of uncertainty- the process of placing a value on the uncertain situation
Coping with uncertainty- activities that are used in dealing with the uncertainty