After studying the waste management opportunities in small and medium companies of natural casings,
composting has proved more viable and cost effective solution for the valorization of these types of
waste, but its feasibility depends on the final product value. This paper investigated a pilot scale program
for the windrow co-composting of natural casings waste with sheep manure and dead leaves incorporation.
Processing, characterization and application of the final compost were described and the final compost
was analyzed for pathogens, metals, nutrients, maturity, and agronomic parameters. The results
showed that all test result levels were below the limits specified in the EPA regulations published in
Title 40, Section 503, of the Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR 503). Moreover, the agronomic value
tests which include nutrients, organic matter, pH, electrical conductivity, etc. showed that the compost
had high organic-matter content and low salt content, all of which indicate good compost characteristics.
The ratio of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), or NPK ratio, was measured at 1.6–0.9–0.7.
Reported units are consistent with those found on fertilizer formulations