The Lotus and the Dharma-wheel are the other parts of these symbols. The lotus is deep-rooted in mud however the blossom is open in the sun. It appears very good-looking and fragrant. In Buddhism the lotus represents the real character of beings, who ascend through "samsara" ("samsara" is a process of defining the cycle of birth, death and rebirth in Buddhism and Hinduism) into the simplicity and magnificence of enlightenment. Dharma-wheel contains eight spokes. They represent the eightfold path. According to traditions, it symbolizes the Buddha's spinning the Wheel of Law or reality.
Some other important Buddhism Symbols are various colors. The special five colors are white, yellow, red, blue and green. Like white color is considered to include an extremely chilly quality, as in snow, or a very burning quality, such as a flaming metal. Either can threaten life as well as it reminds us of bereavement with the ending of things. It also represents cleanliness, holiness and purity. Moreover it also tells us to lead out further than the dimness of bondage. These colors symbolize a condition of mind. It is well-believed that spiritual transformations can be achieved with the help of meditation on these different colors.