Chapters in this book include: (1) New e-Learning Environments: e-Merging Networks in the Relational Society (Blanca C. Garcia); (2) Knowledge Building in E-Learning (Xinyu Zhang and Lu Yuhao); (3) E-Learning and Desired Learning Outcomes (Ralph Palliam); (4) Innovative E-Learning Solutions and Environments for Small and Medium Sized Companies (SMEs) (Ileana Hamburg); (5) Reciprocal Leading: Improving Instructional Designs in E-Learning (Kathleen Scalise and Leanne R. Ketterlin-Geller); (6) "adAstra": A Rubrics' Set for Quality eLearning Design (Patrizia Ghislandi); (7) Learning Objects and Their Applications (Selahattin Gonen and Bulent Basaran); (8) Evolutive Platform--A Genetic E-Learning Environment (Jorge Manuel Pires and Manuel Perez Cota); (9) A Multimedia Integrated Framework for Learning Management Systems (Nishantha Giguruwa, Danh Hoang Anh and Davar Pishva); (10) Ontology Alignment OWL-Lite (Aammou Souhaib, Khaldi Mohamed and El Kadiri Kamal Eddine); (11) Developing an Online/Onsite Community of Practice to Support K-8 Teachers' Improvement in Nature of Science Conceptions (Valarie L. Akerson, J. Scot Townsend, Ingrid S. Weiland and Vanashri Nargund-Joshi); (12) E-Learning in the Modern Curriculum Development (Robert Repnik, Branko Kaucic and Marjan Krasna); and (13) Open Web-Based Virtual Lab for Experimental Enhanced Educational Environment (Fuan Wen). (Individual chapters contain figures and references.)