5) Night Buses You hear the horror stories of people being robbed blind. I had never heard any first hand. A friend of mine from Vietnam was on a bus that she booked on Khao San Road en route to Chiang Mai. She woke up and noticed something was off with her purse. Her boyfriend noticed his bag was rezipped in a way he would never do it. They looked and found the ladies wallet inside the bag, not her purse. It was missing $450us. She made a huge deal saying her father was a diplomat and managed to reclaim the money. Most other tourists grabbed their bags, jumped in a tuk tuk most likely to find out later. Don’t think it can happen to you? Be careful. I’ve been to a full moon party, had those narcs offer me stuff. I’ve been walking in Bangkok and Chiang Mai and had same offers as well as from random “women”.. Watch your back here people. It’s fun, it’s cheap and you can have the time of your life. Just remember where there are tones of fish having fun, there are always sharks looking for a meal. Tips hat, - See more at: http://stophavingaboringlife.com/5-horror-stories-from-thailand/#sthash.uZQ3d9yF.dpuf