1. Start TPS Project 2015/16 with T.N. Sugar ; Lopburi, and Siamyont group, new total area 13 rais 4 zone and 1 zone for ratoon crop total area 5.6 rais, during May 9-16
2. Have a meeting with Angvian Industry in order to discuss about "Together Growth Project" with Wangkanai Group on May 12.
3. Coordinate with NE regional office to welcome sugarcane farmers and sugar mill staffs from Rermudom Sugar mill : Udonthani, for SKC visit during May 14 - 17.
Other Information
1.Sugarcane production 2014/15 : report at May 7: Sugar mill still operating = 5 factories, there are cane into sugar mill 106.64 Mill. Ton, Burn 65%, avg CCS 12.23 ccs
2.Rermudom sugar mill : 1.62 million tons