The configuration of cluster elements for Scenario B is given in Fig. 5.
This scenario is based upon coal-fired power generation and is the closest to an extension of the current situation. Here, carbon
emissions at some point begin to be captured and stored underground (‘CCS’). The scenario also introduces technologies that
reduce coal-fired generation greenhouse impacts in the short term, such as solar or geothermal preheating. Some carbon dioxide is
also used to manufacture chemical products and (with the use of some of the waste heat) crops, such as hydroponic tomatoes.2
Strong industrial ecology synergies are made with the use of ash produced as a by-product of the energy generation in an array of
products such as glass, ceramics and soil conditioners.
Various forecasts from the Latrobe Valley 2100 (LV2100) report [79] that can be considered similar to Scenario B, although the
scale of coal's contribution to the energy mix will differ.