I have started to organize the K1 math lessons for this term.
We will need copies of the attached Math Skills 1 Numbers 0 to 10 Complete PDF printed for ALL K1 students. Print copies for the CMSLC and ALL CR students too.
We need quotes on the job and this printing done as soon as possible. but teachers can start with the PP lesson if needed until the printing is done.
You can use whatever old copies you may still have or get more copies printed OUTSIDE
This is to be printed back-to-back.
I am also sending the PowerPoint, Word and PDF files to go with teaching the numbers 1 to 10. This is math skills 1.
I have eliminated the swf files and will now only send PowerPoint files, which are easier to use. The PowerPoint files usually have English, Thai or no audio. Teachers can choose whichever language they want but must use English sometimes too.
Several of the PDF files are already in the book we will print and bind.
However, teachers can have TOP (or BEST for a while) print flashcards if they do not have them and need them. The flashcard files have not changed.
The lesson on numbers 0 to 10 should be easy for all students.
Teachers are to file the assessment forms weekly of results.
There are some instructions in Thai and English for teaching these lessons but they may need some edits to eliminate instructions about using swf files.
I will soon send all lessons on teaching the numbers 0 to 100 too.
Let Knru Nam or me know of any errors
Nam: these files can go to external schools if they need them too. There have been minimal changes made, other than eliminating the swf files and replacing them by PP files.
Nam: these computer files need to go on MT, CMSLC and CR computers too and to the K1 math teacher computers.