This Action Statement is the product of a two-year consultation process involving more than 1,000 people. Participants in the process were mainly health professionals and volunteers who work to promote health. Other participants came from areas such as social services, research, education, recreation, environment and law enforcement. These people share the values and ways of working that define health promotion, even though they may not call themselves health promoters. Together, we represent a community of shared purpose. The purpose of this document is to provide strategic direction to this community.
Canada has a rich legacy in health promotion. A New Perspective on the Health of Canadians (1974) demonstrated the wide array of influences on health. The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (1986) and Achieving Health for All: A Framework for Health Promotion (1986) articulated the principles of health promotion and proposed strategic frameworks for action. This document is not intended to replace or update the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. We believe the Ottawa Charter should continue to be used as the framework that defines health promotion as an approach and concept all of us can use. Rather, this statement is intended to focus our efforts in the current climate so different from the optimistic days when the Ottawa Charter was first written.
Today, poverty is increasing and the income gap between rich and poor is widening. Unemployment persists in spite of economic growth. Communities are under increasing pressure from global economic practices that imperil the environment and consolidate wealth and power in private corporations with few legal responsibilities to the common good. Cuts in government spending threaten the social safety net and health system that have served us well and have defined us as a caring people.
In light of these realities, promoting health requires that we focus our efforts and prioritize our actions by:
affirming and sharing the vision and values of health promotion;
emphasizing the creation of alliances across and between sectors;
honing our knowledge, skills and capacity to improve health;
emphasizing political commitment and the development of healthy public policies;
strengthening our communities; and
ensuring that health systems reform promotes health both inside and outside the health care system