Colour is an important quality parameter for consumer preferences in choice of fruit juices. Lightness of juice becomes stable when enzyme activity and partial precipitation of insoluble particles in the juice are low. Conventional thermal treatment causes darkening of juice, while thermosonication treatment promotes juice. Thermosonication is able to replace hot break treatment in tomato juice production for minimal colour change, development of unpleasant flavour and nutrient losses.Prolonged thermosonication treatment time on watermelon juice causes increment of its lightness. As fruits and vegetables contain various useful colour pigments for health benefits and attractive colourants, thermosonication treatment of its juices can help to preserve these compounds. Two types of colour pigments that are usually found in fruits are lycopene, which is the red pigment and anthocyanin, which is the class of purple, red and blue pigments . The range of lycopene retention 98 to 106.68% in watermelon juice was achieved in thermosonication treatment for 5 minutes at temperature range of 25 to 30 °C, amplitude of 24.4 to 40 μm and frequency of 20 kHz . Higher anthocyanin retention of more than 98% in strawberry juice was observed when being treated at 40 °C for 3 minutes at amplitude of 60 μm and frequency of 20 kHz