Throughout the world, approximately 1.2 million men and women a year lose their lives in work-related accidents and illnesses (Rogers 2003; WHO 2005). Unfortunately, a significant percentage of these deaths are from preventable causes. One of the basic goals of occupational health services is the prevention of injury to the health of workers from the work, or the work environment (WHO 2005). Without doubt, this can still happen when effective and adequate OH services are provided, but the incidence would normally be reduced. However, not all workers
are able to benefit adequately from OH services. There are differences
between countries. According to the ILO and WHO,workplace accidents have leveled off in many industrialized and newly industrialized countries, while some countries now undergoing rapid development in Asia and Latin America are experiencing
increases. Improving the health of workers has led the ILO and WHO to cooperate closely on occupational safety and health issues. To accomplish this, it is necessary for a multidisciplinary OH team to work together. For OHNs to be able to carry
out their roles and functions within this team, they need to have advanced knowledge and skills. For this reason, they need first to be qualified nurses and then to have received advanced occupational health education. However, there are also differences in OH nursing education between countries throughout the world
Throughout the world, approximately 1.2 million men and women a year lose their lives in work-related accidents and illnesses (Rogers 2003; WHO 2005). Unfortunately, a significant percentage of these deaths are from preventable causes. One of the basic goals of occupational health services is the prevention of injury to the health of workers from the work, or the work environment (WHO 2005). Without doubt, this can still happen when effective and adequate OH services are provided, but the incidence would normally be reduced. However, not all workersare able to benefit adequately from OH services. There are differencesbetween countries. According to the ILO and WHO,workplace accidents have leveled off in many industrialized and newly industrialized countries, while some countries now undergoing rapid development in Asia and Latin America are experiencingincreases. Improving the health of workers has led the ILO and WHO to cooperate closely on occupational safety and health issues. To accomplish this, it is necessary for a multidisciplinary OH team to work together. For OHNs to be able to carryout their roles and functions within this team, they need to have advanced knowledge and skills. For this reason, they need first to be qualified nurses and then to have received advanced occupational health education. However, there are also differences in OH nursing education between countries throughout the world
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