Reduction of respiratory function among textile workers in the textile industry has been observed since the
1970s. A contaminant of raw cotton fiber and cotton dust, has been proposed as a affecting agent that
may deteriorate the respiratory function. Present study aimed to find the factors associated with the
deterioration of respiratory function among female textile workers. The sample consisted of 243 men above the
age of 20 years who had worked for at least 3 months years in a textile factory and 235 female non textile
workers of same area were studied. All the respondents were interviewed by a pretested questionnaire to
gather information regarding the chest symptoms, certain personal characteristics and occupational history.
Statistical analyses like Chi-square and odds ratio was done to determine the significant difference between
female textile workers and female non textile workers. Univariate analysis of the factors for symptomatic
byssinosis showed that dusty worksites, heavy smoking and duration of service years were significant.
Logistic regression analysis showed that working in the scouring (odds ratio 11.0), spinning (odds ratio 4.7)
and weaving sections (odds ratio 2.6), heavy smoking (odds ratio 12.4) and more than 10 years of service (odds
ratio 2.8) were independent significant risk factors. Efforts to reduce dust levels in the working environment
and to discourage smoking among textile workers need to be strengthened to minimize the risk of developing