Determination of diaminopimelic acid isomers: The isomers
of diaminopimelic acid in the cell walls of Isolate fs-1 were de ~
termined using the method of STANECK and ROBERTS (1974).
Dried cells (approximately 10 mg) were hydrolyzed with 1 ml
of 10 N HCl at 100°C for 20 h in a screw-cap tube and 1 ml of
the hydrolyzate was filtered and chromatographed on a cellulose
thin layer (Selecto Scientific, GA, USA), along with a reference
amino acid mixture. Methanol-distilled water-10 N HClpyridine
(80:26:4:10, vollvol/vollvol) was used as the solvent
for separation, after which the chromatogram was dried at
room temperature, sprayed with a 0.2 % ninhydrin-ethanol solution,
and heated at 100°C for 3 min.