and finally received an opportunity to wear a thai flag on his shirt in 2013 this on his shirt in 2013 this time as an official national representative. i still remember my first match when i got carried away with the competitive atmosphere. i fell in the water many times but gradually got back on track and performed better finally it turned out that i was the best on that day
he finally got to take home the winner's prize in the 2013 competition he shared his winning technique with us which anyone could adopt in their everyday lives 'spending most time with your mind to male your performance stable and not paying too much attention to your opponent's performance which could distract you.
after his victory he told us that ha and his team went NJ MAG_444
to several authorities to request sponsorship for the next competition but was met with stony silence. fortunately he got a helping hand from the dutch friend of his manager and so comes the essence of the story that recently appeared in the news that despite having no domestic support at all he didn't give up. if this had happened to someone else it would have discouraged them and finally they would have quit. but this negative sentiment never entered suksan's mind. i always tell myself not to give up because if i do people will never even notice my existence. i have to try harder and harder to make them see me. i can tell you that my fight isn't over yet
when asked about why he loves this risky sport he immediately answered that he personally enjoys foolhardy and challenging stuff and after trying it he knew it would suit him well however,more than the impressive response he received the sport has given him one valuable thing it's extended the borders of his world. ''practicing so hard and winning the prize as expected was such a great felling to me my skill has been improving and i also have great chances to meet new friends from many countries.