We students must remember this truth. Poverty cannot stand in the way of a persevering student with resolute will so shine in this world. There are many examples of poor students who shone in life by dint of industry, patience and perseverance. They were never daunted by failures or misfortunes. They had a resolute will and they found out a way to attain success in life. We know the story of the thirsty crow and the pitcher. The crow was thirsty. It was determined to drink water. At least it found out a way to satisfy its thirst. They were never daunted by failures or misfortunes. They had a resolute will and they found out a way to attain success in life. We know the story of the thirsty crow and the pitcher. The crow was thirsty. It was determined to drink water. At least it found out a way to satisfy its thirst.