Results Partial least squares path analysis revealed a significant causal
relationship between Time 1 administrative and role stressors and an increase in
nursing-specific stressors in Time 2. A significant relationship was also identified
between job-specific nursing stressors and the adoption of effective coping
strategies to deal with increased levels of change-induced stress and strain and the
likelihood of reporting higher levels of job satisfaction in Time 2.
Conclusions The effectiveness of coping strategies is critical in helping nurses to
deal with the negative consequences of organisational change.
Implications for nursing management This study shows that there is a causal
relationship between change, non-nursing stressors and job satisfaction. Senior
management should implement strategies aimed at reducing nursing and nonnursing
stress during change in order to enhance the job satisfaction of nurses.
Keywords: Australia, change management, job satisfaction, nursing and non-nursing
stressors, public and non-profit sector