The goal of the Research is to modelling design and analysis of a camshaft. In FEM, behaviour of cam shaft is obtained by analysing the collective behaviour of the elements to make the cam shaft robust at all possible load cases. This analysis is an important step for fixing an optimum size of a camshaft and knowing the dynamic behaviours of the camshaft. Initially the model is created by the basic needs of an engine with the available background data such as power to be transmitted, forces acting over the camshaft by means of valve train while running at maximum speed. Here the approach becomes fully CAE based. CAE based approach enriches the Research and limits the time duration. Camshafts are rotating components with critical loads. Hence the determination of exact load values becomes the challenging one compared with other rotating members. This Research provides the guidelines to solve such situation. The objective is to determine the stress distribution on the cam shaft for both static and dynamic case and finding out the factor of safety.