you're picking up the other person's gestures, but you know it makes you feel good. He cites the example of smiling back at someone who has smiled at you.
4 This type of physical presence can be learned and used to great effect. For example, if you stand up straight and raise your chest, you are more likely to feel confident and inspire others to feel confidence in you. Another expert says that the most charismatic people are good listeners. She cautions that you should ask questions and not try to be the center of attention.
5 Charisma plays a large part in success because it is linked to self-confidence. But it is worth noting that although charisma can be learned, it can't be faked. One successful leadership coach points out that people pick up on that right away. You need to come by your skills and techniques naturally, she warns-if the personality you project is not genuine, you may come across as insincere.