We released the annoucement of L’ArCasino Live Viewing in Japan and included Thailand for the international screenings yesterday.
Now we are reviewing the details of your screen plan and from now on
our member, Leon Manuela will be your direct contact for further discussion about the L’ArCASINO screening in Thailand.
In the meantime, we have confirmed with the L’Arc-en-Ciel management that unfortunately
they can not accept the sponsorship.
Also, as informed, this time, we are now planning to send the DCP file via internet using
a network distribution service instead of sending harddisk as it would reduce time and shipping costs.
We are currently asking our local partner to arrange the download locally.
It depends on each country’s condition and if we should send the DCP file to
the cinema directly or to a postproduction company.
We hope to do the download test in the week of September 14 and
would like to ask the local cliencts to download and set up and
an application and try downloading a test file.
Could you kindly where/who we should send the file for Thailand screening
and when your side would like to do the download test?
Again, thank you very much for your continued cooperation and support!