Figure 3 | Hypothetical nitrogen stocks and flows of two contrasting cropping systems. a,b, Cropping systems relying mainly on mineral nitrogen inputs
(a) have relatively higher nitrogen losses to air and water than cropping systems with emphasis on biological N fixation, manure and other organic matter
amendments, cover crops and perennial crops, and low reliance on mineral N fertilizer, such as organic and integrated systems (b). The width of the
arrows is relative to the size of the nitrogen flux; boxes representing nitrogen stocks are not scaled to the pool size. Figure adapted from ref. 100, © 2015
The National Academies100. Arrows represent nitrogen inputs (green), losses (orange) and transformations (blue).
Figure 3 | Hypothetical nitrogen stocks and flows of two contrasting cropping systems. a,b, Cropping systems relying mainly on mineral nitrogen inputs(a) have relatively higher nitrogen losses to air and water than cropping systems with emphasis on biological N fixation, manure and other organic matteramendments, cover crops and perennial crops, and low reliance on mineral N fertilizer, such as organic and integrated systems (b). The width of thearrows is relative to the size of the nitrogen flux; boxes representing nitrogen stocks are not scaled to the pool size. Figure adapted from ref. 100, © 2015The National Academies100. Arrows represent nitrogen inputs (green), losses (orange) and transformations (blue).
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