Participants and Countries in Africa
Participants in African workshops should consider the following:
● Join the African Federation for Technology in Health care (AFTH)
● Short-term goals:
Formulation of a national policy through a task force
Evaluation of the WHO EHTP
Organization of local workshops (AFTH/MRC/UCT)
● Development of a plan for collaboration with the WHO through the AFTH.
● Sign up for INFRATECH@LISTSERV.PAHO.ORG, worldwide e-mail distribution.
● Distribution of the ACCE News, the newsletter of the ACCE, by e-mail and otherwise.
● Distribute comments, feedback, and follow-up to participants, via Infratech e-mail, regular mail, and AFTH website.
● Share workshop information within participating countries and with those who were
unable to attend.
● Note that participants in the African workshop expressed concerns including: “Will
countries take action on what we learned and recommendations at this workshop?”
“What outside pressures will there be on monitoring and enforcement from the WHO
or from Africa?”
● Develop strategies for the training of health technology managers at the “grass roots”
level; build upon concepts discussed in Yenza (Human, 1998).
Actual requirements
How to form partnerships, as the Pretoria, South Africa, Technicon program has
● Establish Senegal regional training sites and a web site, as well as a center to collaborate with the WHO