I am really very dissapointed with the "staff" of both SHin Hye and Jong SUkki, camps..whoever made this revelation and attestation that indeed the darling Couple are in a sort of realationship, should be ashamed off! I don't know if they are allowed to be interviewed or ask their opinions by the medias?
This "staff" should know better than that? if some medias approached them!! this actors are their fragile resposibility to protect being harm and being exploited!(if they are approach by the medias for personal and private matter about their actors,they must know how to say ''NO COMMENT" period! nothing more nothing less.its not their 'role" as a spokeperson of either of the two.!
they (staff)must already known that Shin Hye wants her personal and private matter be respected...!
Whoever this 'staff' is , should be given a lesson.(for leaking those sort of sources)
I don't know the ruling in Korean Business Industry..but normally all the people from the production (must) we have orientation...we have briefings what are "allowed and not allowed"..espe:tears:cially leaking photos while in the middle of phto shoots..before you can not share anything during the shoots and photos shoots of any commercial shootings and shootings of dramas and movies..you can't share to the public..but now a days, eveyone are free to share withhout the knowledge of the productions team..well everything change..