And that's about it. No sign of subtlety, nuance, depth, or originality is to be found anywhere in all of this. Perhaps that will come later, but as I understand it, this is meant to be a companion piece to an upcoming smartphone game, so I am not expecting much. The hero from the “surface world,” Shun, has no personality so far beyond being energetic, so that, at least, will have to improve. Emilio is a little more interesting as the quietly vengeful prince, but he doesn't offer anything that you can't find in any of a plethora of other series, either. The only real question about them at this point is whether or not their relationship is ultimately going to go in a yaoi direction. Even five years ago I probably wouldn't have considered that angle, but with the recent rise of fujoshi-oriented series it can't be ruled out, and there does seem to be a certain vibe developing between them already. But there is also the pretty girl (and her unimpressively cute little dragon) involved, so I guess we'll see on that.