Hawthorn Hotel Deals
Wondering how you can get the best hotel deals? Find ways to save money on your next trip by browsing Hawthorn’s Deals and Discounts, where you have access to Featured Offers, Wyndham Rewards promotions, and unique hotel packages. Whether you are planning a business trip, family vacation, or beach weekend getaway, Hawthorn offers great travel discounts to suit your next extended stay.
Select one of Hawthorn’s hotel packages to receive extra travel deals – which could include dining vouchers or local attraction discounts - to enhance your travel experience. With packages designed for couples, friends, and families, Hawthorn helps you save money while enjoying the best of what your specific destination has to offer. Check our different hotel packages often, as new offers are added frequently.
With several hotels located near military bases, Hawthorn offers military discounts at participating locations across the U.S. Learn more about our commitment to providing a home-away-from-home experience for our Armed Forces by exploring our “Welcome Home, Military Discount” offers below.
As a Wyndham Rewards member, you can benefit from added savings with our rewards promotions by racking up points with your next booking. Use these points toward great hotel deals, such as free flights, resort vacations, and other money-saving offers.
You can also search through Hawthorn’s Organization Discounts, where we give you great group hotel discounts, as well as special rates for government employees, corporate accounts, and certain member programs such as AAA, CAA, or AARP. Save money on your next group getaway or corporate meeting with these special hotel deals.
When searching for the lowest hotel price with all of your favorite features, Hawthorn is the perfect option for your next extended trip. Once you have found a discount that suits your trip, use the booking widget to the left to finalize your stay.